
Prof. Hyuncheol Hwang

Professor in Finance, School of Business and Management

  • Ph.D in Applied Mathematics from State Univ. of New York at Stony Brook

  • Over 25 years of experience in financial Industry from leading financial institutions in Wall Street, US and Korea, such as Citigroup US, Allianz Global Investors, Gargoyle Group USA, Neutrino Technologies LLC, KDB Daewoo, etc.

  • Research interest in DeFi, Quantitative Investment/HFT using AI, Explainable AI, AI Ethic and Fairness test, Supply Chain Finance, etc.

Prof. Ha Yoon Song

Professor in Computer Science, School of Engineering

  • Ph.D in Computer Science from Univ. of California at Los Angeles (UCLA)

  • Over 30 years of experience in various computing applications

  • Specialized in Location Based Service, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, AutoML

Prof. Jun Park

Professor in Computer Science, School of Engineering

  • Ph.D in Computer Science from Univ. of Southern California (USC)

  • Experienced with more than 7 industrial / government AI-related projects.

  • Specialized in Natural Language Processing: Question answering and generation, Dialog systems, Classification and Recommendations.

Prof. Young Yoon

Professor in Computer Science, School of Engineering

  • Ph.D in Computer Engineering from University of Toronto

  • Research interest in large-scale distributed intelligent middleware and blockchain, cyber-security based on AI

  • Research activities in many interdisciplinary research subjects such as complex event processing, service choreography, automatic application composition, distributed messaging middlewares, applied data mining and even information visualization.

Prof. Chunghun Ha

Professor in Industrial and Data Science, School of Engineering

  • Ph.D in Industrial Engineering from Texas A&M University

  • Research Interest:

Meta-heuristic and machine learning: Integrated Process Planning and Scheduling using Genetic Algorithm and Ant Colony Optimization, Optimization of algorithm parameters through deep learning, Application: IoT (Internet of Things), intelligent production system

Decision making through signal analysis: Reliability-oriented facility management through facility vibration analysis, Life prediction using NARX (recurrent NN), Making production decisions using real-time MES information

Students (Graduate and Undergrad)